How Did Jesus View Scripture?

by Sean P. Cavender | via the Bald Knob Builder

It is amazing to hear so many people talk about loving Jesus and how they follow Him, and in the same breath disparage the Bible. It is amazing, but it is no surprise. Denominations denigrate Scripture continually. If it disagrees with them, they claim that times have changed. If it condemns them, they say the writer was just a radical anyway. If an epistle contradicts their doctrine, they say, “Well, Jesus never said that.” Even publishers have gotten into the act, for why else would they put Jesus’ words in red? Is the entire thing not the Word of God?

If we are going to follow the Lord, then we need to use Scripture the same way He did. How did Jesus view it? How did He use it?

He knew life came from the Word of God. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Jesus was quoting from the Old Law (Deuteronomy 8:3). The lesson for them was the same lesson Jesus was proclaiming to the devil himself, spiritual life comes through God’s Word. They are the Words of life (John 6:68). They sustain us. They furnish us. They equip up, as Jesus told the devil 3 times, “It is written.”

He appreciated the smallest of details in God’s Word. In Matthew 5:18 He speaks of the importance of the “jot” and “tittle” which are the smallest of flourishes in written Hebrew. Jesus is saying that the smallest of details of God’s

Word are still binding. For an example, in Matthew 22:32, Jesus’ whole argument is based upon the tense of the verb. It was not a question of semantics. Jesus respected the tiniest detail of Scripture, so we should do the same.

He recognized God’s Word to be literal and true. Many would discount Jonah’s fish, or Noah’s boat, or Adam and Eve altogether. Jesus referenced all of them, recognizing them as truth and used them to build His teaching.

He answered questions with God’s Word. When Jesus was asked about divorce, Jesus did not offer His opinion. He went to God’s word (Matthew 19:4). It is not wrong to ask questions, for even Jesus did as a 12-year old, but God’s Word is where the answers are found. Rather than appeal to emotion and opinion, Jesus simply said, “Have you not read…”

He believed in the inspiration by the Holy Spirit. Jesus affirmed David’s inspiration (Matthew 22:43). Jesus often quoted or referenced various prophets from times past. He recognized God’s Word for what it was. It originated from God, not from man. 

He knew the revelation of God’s Word would be completed. He told the Apostles, “When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13). Jesus was recognizing that God’s will would be, “once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). The perfect would come (1 Corinthians 13:10), it has been written down, and we may understand it (Ephesians 3:3-4).

If we are going to follow Christ, then we must follow Him in how He used and viewed the Bible, and rightly so, since He is the Word (John 1:1). He grew in wisdom (Luke 2:40), and we must do the same. He searched the Scriptures (Luke 4:17), and we need to as well. How do you view God’s word? Is it something for preachers and scholars, but not for you? Hopefully not. God is speaking to you.

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