join us at a weekly Bible study MEETUP
In addition to our assemblies on Sunday and Wednesday we have other study opportunities each week. William is the creator and organizer of two meetup groups. The Kingston Bible Study meetup group has three weekly study opportunities: one in-person (at a local coffee shop) and two online (via Google Meet). The Trail Talks meetup group is an opportunity to get out in God’s creation on local trails and enjoy uplifting spiritual conversations with others. Let’s learn God’s word together. Listed below are all our regular weekly gatherings.

Sunday Morning Bible Class
Time – 10:00 a.m.
Location – 935 Sydenham Road
Our focus in this series growing in faith. We’re looking at several New Testament texts which urge growth.

Sunday Morning Worship
Time – 11:00 a.m.
Location – 935 Sydenham Road
Our weekly worship assembly which includes a sermon to encourage, and admonish us in our walk with the Lord.

Tuesday Evening Meetup
Time – 8:00 p.m.
Location – online (Google Meet)
We are studying the history of Israel, currently in the books of Kings and Chronicles.

Wednesday Evening Bible Class
Time – 7:00 p.m.
Location – 935 Sydenham Road
A class looking at various topics related to the Lord’s Church.

Thursday evening meetup
Time – 7:00 p.m.
Location – Tim Horton’s, Gananoque
The discussion depends on questions, texts, or topics raised by participants.

Friday afternoon meetup
Time – 1:00 p.m.
Location – online (Google Meet)
We are studying the books
of 1 & 2 Peter.

Saturday Trail Talk (meetup)
Postponed until Spring
Location – Lemoine Point
A walk with spiritual conversation; starts at the north parking lot.
Links: YouVersion | GROW magazine
Info about our weekly assemblies at
the Lion’s Hall (936 Sydenham Road),
including livestream options is here.