Great pre-Babel events recorded in the Chinese language

The Genesis Echo

The Genesis Echo is an ongoing investigation of pre-Babel history as recorded in both the Bible and the etymology of characters in the Chinese language.

Hundreds of years before Moses wrote Genesis, the events of pre-Babel history were recorded in precise detail, embedded in the syntax of the Chinese language. Over 100 Chinese characters have been analyzed, verified, and included in The Genesis Echo presentation.


An Introduction to the Genesis Echo – What is this project all about?

…Thou, O Spiritual Sovereign… – Meet ShangTi, who is the God of the ancient Chinese (and of the Hebrews)


The Creation Account – The Chinese people have various creation legends, but recorded in the etymology of their language we find the true creation account.

Adam & Eve – There are several Chinese characters which focus on two people. Some of these are very generic, but others seem to point to the first man and woman, Adam & Eve.

The Garden of Eden – Man shared a special relationship with God and with his wife in the sinless world. However, a tempter in the garden sought to destroy.

Sin In The Garden – There are several Chinese characters which give details about Eve eating the fruit, as well as her and Adam hiding from the Lord, and the punishment for their sin.

Expelled From The Garden – Man could no longer live in Eden. Consequently, God provided atonement for them, and then sent them out.


Cain & Abel – The ancient Chinese were aware of the faithfulness of Abel as well as the cruelty of Cain.

Noah – Names are very important. When we look at the etymology of Noah’s name we see a promise which God fulfilled in him.

Noah & His Generation – Just as Cain and Abel were very different people, so were Noah and his contemporaries.


The Flood – The Bible tells of a worldwise flood in Noah’s day – so does the etymology of the Chinese language.

The Tower of Babel – The ancient Chinese knew about the tower project, as well as the confused languages and the division of nations which took place, and recorded it all.


How Did They Know? – So, how did an ancient culture 1000s of miles away from where the ancient Hebrews were put together a comparable history of events?

Links: YouVersion | GROW magazine

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