Sound Bible teaching in a radio broadcast archive – 2

Picture of Microphone

Here is an archive of a radio show from the early 2000s. Episodes were originally broadcast on local radio in Kingston, Ontario and northern New York, but have also been used in other places through the years. The primary participants were William Stewart, Tom Rainwater, and Keith Sharp with guest speakers included from time to time.


Archive 1 | Archive 2 | Archive 3

Principles for Practical Christianity

61. The Testing Of Your Faith (1:1-12)
62. The Source Of Temptation (1:12-18)
63. Be Obedient To The Word (1:19-27)
64. Remove Discrimination (2:1-13)
65. Faith And Works (2:14-26)
66. Controlling The Tongues (3:1-12)
67. The Wisdom From Above (3:13-18)
68. Humble Yourself (4:1-12)
69. Depend On Goal (4:13-5:6)
70. Endurance While Waiting (5:7-12)
71. Spiritual Conduct Shows Faith (5:13-18)
72. Care For The Erring Brother (5:19-20)
73. Is Scripture Historically Trustworthy?74. The Bible And Archaeology


75. Introduction To Acts (1:1-26)
76. The Beginning Of The Church (2:1-47)
77. Christ, Foretold In The Prophets (3:1-26)
78. Responding To Persecution (4:1-5:42)
79. The Faith Of Stephen (6:1-7:60)
80. Conversion Of Simon The Sorcerer (8:1-25)
81. Conversion Of The Ethiopian Eunuch (8:26-40)
82. Conversion Of Saul Of Tarsus (9:1-43)
83. Conversion Of Cornelius (10:1-11:30)
84. Character Contrast: Herod/Barmabas (12:1-25)
85. Barnabas & Saul Set Apart (13:1-30)
86. Paul Bears The Gospel To Gentiles (13:31-52)
87. Persecuted For Preaching The Word (14:1-28)
88. The Circumsion Controversy (15:1-41)
89. The Macedonian Call (16:1-40)
90. Three Cities; Three Responses (17:1-34)
91. End of 2nd Journey; Start of 3rd (18:1-19:41)
92. Warning The Ephesian Elders (20:1-38)
93. Paul Addresses A Jerusalem Mob (21:1-22:30)
94. Paul’s Defense: Sanhedrin & Felix (23:1-24:27)
95. Paul’s Defense: Festus & Agrippa (25:1-26:32)
96. Voyage To Rome & Paul’s Defense (27:1-28:31)


97. Are There Few Saved? (Luke 13:23-30)
98. The Life Of Jeremiah
99. Jesus Christ: Same Yesterday, Today, Forever
100. A God Of Patterns (Matthew 19:16-29)
101. Bible Contradictions? (Luke 19:1-10)
102. Our Hope Of Immorality
103. The Value Of One’s Soul
104. Should Your Conscience Be Your Guide?
105. Does God Speak To Us Today?
106. Can We Understand The Bible?
107. The Bible Is The Word Of God
108. Be Zealous Always
109. The Great Commission
110. Will Only A Few Be Saved?
111. Two Gates, Two Ways, Two Destinies
112. Is Belief In God Reasonable?
113. Can We Understand The Bible Alike?
114. Decently And In Order (1 Corinthians 14:40)
115. What Shall I Do To Be Saved?
116. Three Tests Of Authentic Christianity
117. I Have Set The Lord Always Before Me
118. God Has Spoken
119. Use Your Mind
120. The Gospel In Preview
121. Walking With God
122. Into What Then Were You Baptized?
123. The Test Of Faith (Genesis 22)
124. Questions From The Lord
125. Thoughts About Christmas
126. New Year’s Resolutions
127. The Prayer Of Jabez
128. Mary Of Bethany, Sister Of Lazarus
129. Angels & Demons
130. In Christ
131. The Fear Of The Lord
132. The Justice Of The Lord
133. The Providence Of The Lord
134. The Holiness Of The Lord
135. The Love Of The Lord
136. Polygamy

Archive 1 | Archive 2 | Archive 3

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