The full name of the book is “The Acts of the Apostles,” though we typically refer to it as “Acts.” This book is the continuation of Luke’s writing (Acts 1:1; cf. Luke 1:3). In the first record, he wrote about the life and deeds of the Messiah, finishing just before His ascension. In the book of Acts, Luke picks up where he left off and proceeds to tell about the beginning of the church “…in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” This phrase (from 1:8) reveals how the gospel would be spread to the whole world.
Continue reading “Acts Of The Apostles: How The Church Began – Bible Overview”When Does Life Begin? A Scientific and Biblical Perspective
This past week, I received the following inquiry, “When would you say a person’s soul is created? When does life begin?”
It is an immensely important question. At what point are we a living being? When does human life begin? We must have a clear and definitive answer to this question, especially as our society continues to freely and frequently terminate pregnancies. From 2010 and 2019 (the last year for which we have statistics), Canada reported just shy of 1 million abortions.1 From 2009 to 2018 (the last year for which data is available), our neighbours to the South have reported just over 6.7 million abortions.2
Continue reading “When Does Life Begin? A Scientific and Biblical Perspective”John: Discovering Jesus As The Great I AM – Bible Overview
John is the fourth and final gospel account. The author is the apostle John, a former fisherman along with James, his brother, working on the boat of Zebedee, their father. He was part of the inner circle of Jesus’ friends (Peter, James, and John), in fact, he describes himself as the disciple “whom Jesus loved” (John 13:23; 20:2; 21:7, 20). In addition to the gospel account, he wrote 4 other books: 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and the Revelation.
Continue reading “John: Discovering Jesus As The Great I AM – Bible Overview”Luke: Displaying The Love Of God For Humanity – Bible Overview
Luke is the third of the four gospel accounts. The author is the only gospel writer (in fact, the only New Testament writer) who is not Jewish. A statement by Paul in Colossians 4:10-14 identifies Luke as a Gentile (presumed to be Greek) and a physician.
Continue reading “Luke: Displaying The Love Of God For Humanity – Bible Overview”The Fragrance Of Christ: Becoming A Sweet Aroma Of Love And Faith
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us to triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things?”
—2 Corinthians 2:17—
Mark: Revealing The Active And Powerful Messiah – Bible Overview
Mark is the second and shortest of the four gospel accounts. The author’s given name is John, though we typically refer to him by his surname, Mark. He lived with his mother, Mary, in Jerusalem (Acts 12:12), but left to join Paul on his first missionary journey (Acts 12:25; 13:13). Paul was upset that John Mark turned back before the first journey was ended, and thus refused to take him on his second journey (Acts 15:37). Instead, John Mark went on a second journey with his cousin Barnabas (Acts 15:39; Colossians 4:10). About 10 years later, we find that Paul considered John Mark to be a fellow worker (Philemon 1:24) and eventually sought to have him by his side at Rome (2 Timothy 4:11).
Continue reading “Mark: Revealing The Active And Powerful Messiah – Bible Overview”We Are Not Peddling The Word Of God: Embracing Authentic Faith
“For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.”
—2 Corinthians 2:17—
Matthew: Revealing The True King Of The Jews – Bible Overview
Matthew is the first and longest of the four gospel accounts. The author was Jewish by birth and called to be an apostle of Christ (Matthew 10:1-4). His Greek name is Matthew, his Hebrew name is Levi. Matthew worked as a tax collector for the Roman government among his own people until Jesus called him to be a disciple (Matthew 9:9).
Continue reading “Matthew: Revealing The True King Of The Jews – Bible Overview”Follow Me: Jesus’ Call To The World
In the gospels we see Jesus inviting those who would become His apostles to “follow” Him. In John 1:40, John the Baptist pointed Andrew and another disciple to Jesus who bid them to “Come and See,” so they followed Him and stayed the entire day with Him. The next day, the Lord called Philip to “follow Me” (John 1:43), which he did, also bringing his friend Nathanael to the Lord. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus approached for fishermen (Peter, Andrew, James, and John) and called them to follow Him, that they should become fishers of men. And in Matthew 9:9, Matthew heard Jesus call out “Follow Me,” which he did, leaving his tax office behind.
Continue reading “Follow Me: Jesus’ Call To The World”Malachi: The Revelation Of The Lord’s Messenger – Bible Overview
The book of Malachi closes out the Old Testament. The prophet’s name is mentioned in 1:1, but nowhere else in the Bible. His name is descriptive and quite appropriate for his message. Malachi means “my messenger.” He focused on the duties and failings of the Levitical priests of his day, whom he described as “the messenger of the LORD of hosts” (2:7). In 3:1, Malachi foretold the coming of John the Baptist, identified as “My messenger” who “will prepare the way before Me” (cf. Mark 1:1-4). And then in the latter portion of 3:1, Malachi spoke of Jesus as “…the Lord, whom you seek … even the Messenger of the covenant…”
Continue reading “Malachi: The Revelation Of The Lord’s Messenger – Bible Overview”