In recent months, I have enjoyed studying the details of Genesis 1-11. My primary purpose was to note the relationship between the Genesis account of creation and the etymology of certain Chinese characters, resulting in material compiled as The Genesis Echo. During my research, I discovered a few interesting but seldom mentioned tidbits from the early chapters of Genesis. Consider some Genesis musings.
Continue reading “Genesis Musings: A Fresh Perspective On Some Beginning Things”Let Us Focus on Purity, Obedience, and Diligence for Spiritual Growth
Everyone knows to make a good sandwich taste better, you put “lettuce” on it. To make us spiritually better, or be salt of the earth, “let us” do certain things the apostles say. Notice the emphasis on “us,” as we have been set apart or sanctified by the blood of Christ. We are the chosen people of God.
Continue reading “Let Us Focus on Purity, Obedience, and Diligence for Spiritual Growth”“Owe No One Anything Except to Love One Another”
“Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law” (Romans 13:8). This is one of the verses where the New International Version gives us a better understanding of the text. It says, “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another…”
Continue reading ““Owe No One Anything Except to Love One Another””Biblical Fellowship: Nurturing Faith and Building Strong Christian Bonds
Fellowship is a widely used term in religious circles. Unfortunately, it is often misused and misunderstood. Many, when they speak of fellowship refer to potluck meals, game nights, birthday parties, baking contests, sports events and the like. But are these things fellowship? Yes, in the secular sense of the word, but our concern should be ‘what is biblical fellowship’?
Continue reading “Biblical Fellowship: Nurturing Faith and Building Strong Christian Bonds”Spirit and Soul: A Look into the Greek
Last week, we examined the words spirit and soul, focusing specifically on the two Hebrew words that primarily render them. Likewise, the English New Testament primarily translates the words spirit and soul from two Greek words, psuche and pneuma.
Continue reading “Spirit and Soul: A Look into the Greek”Spirit and Soul: A look into the Hebrew
The Bible uses both the word spirit and soul when speaking about man. What do these words refer to? Are they synonyms, or does each refer to something distinct?
To answer our questions, there are four words, two Hebrew and two Greek, which are translated as spirit and soul into English. They are nephesh and ruach (Hebrew), psuche and pneuma (Greek). This week we will look at the Hebrew words, next week we will examine the Greek.
Continue reading “Spirit and Soul: A look into the Hebrew”Instrumental Music in Antiquity and Beyond
A Study of Instrumental Music in Worship – Part 4
We have previously looked at instrumental music in the book of Revelation, in the Old Testament, and in the rest of the New Testament. In Revelation, we found the instances of instrumental music deal with the heavenly realm and not the worship of the Lord’s church upon the earth. God commanded His people Israel to use instrumental music in worship in the Old Testament. But we are not subject to the Old Covenant. Coming to the New Testament, we noted tthat none of the occurrences of instrumental music therein address worship. Rather, every example or command to worship God in song calls for vocal, not instrumental music.
Continue reading “Instrumental Music in Antiquity and Beyond”Instrumental Music in the New Testament
A Study of Instrumental Music in Worship – Part 3
We have in previous articles looked at instrumental music in the book of Revelation and in the Old Testament. This week, we focus on the occurrences of instrumental music in the New Testament, from Matthew through Jude. What manner of music is used in New Testament worship?
Continue reading “Instrumental Music in the New Testament”Instrumental Music in the Old Testament
A Study of Instrumental Music in Worship – Part 2
In the search for instrumental music in the Old Testament, one need not go very far. In Genesis 4:21, we learn that Jubal, the offspring of Cain, is “…the father of all those who play the harp and flute.” Thus, we have the beginning of instrumental music described for us. From this point onward, we find references to instruments of music in numerous Old Testament passages.
People used instruments for various reasons: calling an assembly together (Numbers 10:1ff), commands in battle (Joshua 6:4), worship of false gods (Daniel 3:5), entertainment or celebration (Genesis 31:27), to give honour to the king (1 Kings 1:34), aas a calming agent (1 Samuel 16:23), and in the worship of the God of heaven (Psalm 150).
Continue reading “Instrumental Music in the Old Testament”Instrumental Music in the Book of Revelation
A Study of Instrumental Music in Worship – Part 1
In the religious world, there is a basic cognizance of the need to conduct ourselves within the confines of God’s authority. The apostle Paul, when writing to the brethren at Colosse implored,
“…whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17)
Continue reading “Instrumental Music in the Book of Revelation”