The Wise Man Built His House On The Rock

The Parables of the Wise Man who Built His House on the Rock

The Parables of Jesus, the wise man

For about 15 years in the 1990s and early 2000s, General Motors used Bob Segar’s song, “Like A Rock” in their truck ads. Of course, they wanted to convey the idea that their trucks are strong and reliable. I’ve never owned one, so I don’t know if the image is appropriate or not. But two millennia ago, Jesus used the stability of a rock to speak about the faithfulness of a child of God.

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Watch Out! Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing & Trees Known By Their Fruit

The Parables of the Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing & A Tree Known by its Fruit

The Parables of Jesus, wolves in sheep's clothing

Jesus said the way to heqaven is narrow, and then Immediately spoke of some who will hinder those who seek to walk the heavenly way. He identifies them as false prophets (Matthew 7:15), and used two images to speak about them. The first speaks of their methods (Matthew 7:15) and the second speaking of their mannner of life (Matthew 7:16-20).

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The Lamp of the Body: Insights for Spiritual Life

The Parable of the Lamp of the Body

The Parables of Jesus, lamp of the body

Last week, we looked at Jesus’ use of salt and light in the sermon on the mount to describe the influence a Christian should have on the world. Our focus this week is a chapter later, but in the same sermon. The Lord said:

The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matthew 6:22-23)

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Jesus’ Use of Parables: Powerful Lessons from the Great Teacher

The Parables of Jesus, parables

In Mark 4:2, Jesus taught the multitude many things using parables. Matthew, Mark, and Luke record many parables spoken by Jesus. The gospel of John, though different in design from the synoptic gospels, also records some of Jesus’ parabolic teachings. There are likely more parables in the four gospels than you realize. I’m sure there are certainly parables that come to mind immediately. However, as we explore this series, you may be surprised to see how often Jesus spoke to the people in parables. I was!

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The Bible & Racism: We Are All One Blood

photo of wall-hanging at Creation Museum (San Diego CA))

The form of prejudice commonly called racism has always baffled me. Bigotry based upon skin colour makes as much sense as bigotry based upon eye or hair colour. And yet, racism is likely the most common form of prejudice worldwide today, and perhaps has been in every generation. It is sad to see this hideous attitude in the world, but even worse to find it among our brethren.

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Half Done: From Incomplete To Complete – Let’s Finish Strong!

Half done
via Bartek |

Aristotle once said, “Well begun is half done.”

Friend, let me ask—how has your year been thus far? Has it been a good January thru June? Has it been productive? Have you grown in faith? Are you doing more for the Lord now than you were then? Do you care more now for your brethren than you did half a year ago? Is your knowledge of the Bible greater now than it was in January? If it’s been a good beginning, wonderful! You’re only half done!

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The Rainbow: A Beautiful Sign Of God’s Faithfulness

via Albrecht Fietz |

One of the most beautiful things to see on the earth is the rainbow. Depending on your vantage point, you will see a wonderful array of colours, and even may see what is commonly referred to as a “double rainbow.” Astounding!!  You’ll need someone smarter than I to explain the how of rainbows, but I can sure tell you Who put it there and why.

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