Transform your faith: Engaging self-grading lessons for personal growth

Bible courses and private Bible studies

Below you will find self-grading Bible courses. We hope you will find them helpful as you study God’s word. If you live in the Kingston area and would like to set up a private Bible class at a mutually agreeable location, contact us here. If you are not from the Kingston area, we will do our best to find a Bible teacher in your area who will teach only what the Bible teaches.

NOTE – We are still rebuilding our site after circumstances required a fresh start. The online courses are not yet available. We hope to have them up and running again before too long. Thank you for your patience.

Rudd – 3 Lesson Courses

Copyright (c) Steve Rudd. Used by permission.

Rudd Bible courses

LESSON 1 – Are the Bible stories just myths? Does the Bible contain errors? Did Jesus Christ ever really live? Does the Bible contradict science?

LESSON 2 – If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Is Jesus really your Lord?

LESSON 3 – Are your feelings of salvation based upon the facts of the Bible? Could you be lost even though you feel saved? Is the church you atttend the same one Christ died for? Why are all the churches divided?

Hall – 7 Lesson Courses

Copyright (c) Sewell Hall. Used by permission.

Hall Bible courses

LESSON 1 – Jesus Christ Is The Way
LESSON 2 – Finding Jesus, The Way
LESSON 3 – Jesus, The Way To A Better Life
LESSON 4 – Jesus, The Way To Forgiveness
LESSON 5 – Jesus, The Way To God
LESSON 6 – Jesus, The Way Out Of Religious Confusion
LESSON 7 – Jesus, The Way To Heaven

Sharp – 6 Lesson Courses

Copyright (c) Keith Sharp. Used by permission.

Sharp Bible courses

LESSON 1 – Lost
LESSON 2 – The Cost of Discipleship
LESSON 3 – The Roman Road To Salvation
LESSON 4 – The One Baptism
LESSON 5 – The Church Jesus Built
LESSON 6 – Should I Be A Christian?

Links: YouVersion | GROW magazine

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