Embodying Stewardship: The Wisdom of the Faithful Servant

The Parable of the Wise and Faithful Servant

The Parables of Jesus, faithful servant

The first part of Matthew 24 addresses Jerusalem’s impending destruction, while the latter portion is about the second coming of Christ – the final judgment. Signs would precede the first event (fulfilled in 70 AD), but there would be no signs for the Lord’s return (Matthew 24:36-39). Jesus said,

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Signs Of The Time: Tender Branches And Unfolded Leaves

The Parable of the Fig Tree, Signs of the Time

The Parables of Jesus, signs of the time

During a discourse about the destruction of Jerusalem, Jesus used a fig tree parable to illustrate the need to read the signs of the time. He said:

Now learn this parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. (Matthew 24:32-33)

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Embracing Righteousness: Exchanging Sin For A New Marriage Feast Garment

The Parable of the Marriage Feast

The Parables of Jesus, marriage feast

The parable of the wicked vinedressers enraged the Pharisees, for they knew that Jesus spoke of them. However, they did not lay a hand on Him, for they feared the people (Matthew 21:45-46). Immediately, He spoke another parable against them, the parable of the marriage feast.

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Lip Service Or Authentic Service: What Do We Offer God?

The Parable of the Two Sons (Authentic Service)

The Parables of Jesus, Authentic Service

The Jews confronted Jesus, asking what authority He had to do and say the things He did. He answered:

I also will ask you one thing, which if you tell Me, I likewise will tell you by what authority I do these things: the baptism of John – where was it from? from heaven or from men? (Matthew 21:24-25)

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The Unfortunate Eternal End Of The Unforgiving Heart

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Unforgiving Heart)

The Parables of Jesus, Unforgiving

Simon Peter once asked the Lord how often he should forgive one who sinned against him. Thinking himself charitable, he put forth seven times as a good number. Recall, Jesus told him,

I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. (Matthew 18:11-13)

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Beware The Leaven: The Peril Of Heeding False Teachers

The Parable of the Leaven of the Pharisees

The Parables of Jesus, leaven

In Matthew 16:6, Jesus warned His apostles:

Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

The disciples misunderstood His warning, thinking He was referring to a forgotten loaf of bread. Of course, Jesus spoke of something spiritual, not physical.

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Discerning The Signs Of The Time

The Parable of the Red Sky, Signs of the Time

The Parables of Jesus, Signs of the Time

It wasn’t uncommon for the Jews to ask Jesus for a sign, though strangely, the request often followed a miracle. Consider:

  • In Matthew 12, Jesus cast out a demon, which had left a man blind and mute. The Pharisees accused Him of using Satan’s power to do so, but then haad the gall to request a sign after (Matthew 12:38).
  • In John 6, a day after Jesus fed the 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish, people from the same crowd asked what sign He would perform so they might see and believe (John 6:30).
  • Mark 8 tells of Jesus feeding the 4,000 people in the region of Decapolis with 7 loaves and a few fish. When He returned to Galilee, a group of Pharisees accosted Him, demanding a sign (Mark 8:11).
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