Zoe’s team won the President’s Cup in Indiana yesterday! They will go on to St. Louis to compete in the Midwest Regional in a couple weeks. While she played the Saturday game, she missed the championship game on Sunday.
The gift of tongues is spoken of multiple times in the New Testament. Mark 16:17 lists it among other miraculous gifts which would follow those who believe. The book of Acts says the apostles spoke with tongues (Acts 2) as well as the house of Cornelius (Acts 10) and the disciples at Ephesus (Acts 19). In writing to the Corinthian church, Paul mentioned the gift of tongues 12x in the three chapter context of 1 Corinthians 12, 13, 14. Obviously it is an important Bible topic, and unfortunately one which is often misunderstood in today’s religious world. Let’s note a few things about tongues.
We have previously looked at instrumental music in the book of Revelation, in the Old Testament, and in the rest of the New Testament. In Revelation, we found the instances of instrumental music deal with the heavenly realm and not the worship of the Lord’s church upon the earth. God commanded His people Israel to use instrumental music in worship in the Old Testament. But we are not subject to the Old Covenant. Coming to the New Testament, we noted tthat none of the occurrences of instrumental music therein address worship. Rather, every example or command to worship God in song calls for vocal, not instrumental music.
We have in previous articles looked at instrumental music in the book of Revelation and in the Old Testament. This week, we focus on the occurrences of instrumental music in the New Testament, from Matthew through Jude. What manner of music is used in New Testament worship?
In the search for instrumental music in the Old Testament, one need not go very far. In Genesis 4:21, we learn that Jubal, the offspring of Cain, is “…the father of all those who play the harp and flute.” Thus, we have the beginning of instrumental music described for us. From this point onward, we find references to instruments of music in numerous Old Testament passages.
People used instruments for various reasons: calling an assembly together (Numbers 10:1ff), commands in battle (Joshua 6:4), worship of false gods (Daniel 3:5), entertainment or celebration (Genesis 31:27), to give honour to the king (1 Kings 1:34), aas a calming agent (1 Samuel 16:23), and in the worship of the God of heaven (Psalm 150).
In the religious world, there is a basic cognizance of the need to conduct ourselves within the confines of God’s authority. The apostle Paul, when writing to the brethren at Colosse implored,
“…whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” (Colossians 3:17)
Does it make any difference what church we are a member of? Is one just as good as the next? Newspapers today tell us to “Join the Church of your choice.” The selection is amazing! There are large groups, small groups, charismatic groups, not so charismatic groups. Groups who use creed books and groups who don’t. Groups who use the Old and New Testament and groups who use only one or the other. The question we need to ask about church membership is not which group I want to assemble with, but rather, which group would God have me assemble with?