Demystifying Revelation: A Simple Approach


The Revelation is a book about victory, specifically, the victory of God’s people through Jesus Christ, the Messiah. People have taken various approaches and intepretations to the Revelation. Indeed, it is a very challenging book. Below you will find PDF notes from our study through John’s Revelation.

Introduction to the Revelation

This lesson is based on an article a good friend and brother in the Lord gave me years ago entitled “Clear Out The Clutter.” It addresses the need to have an uncluttered approach to the book of Revelation. Thus, it looks at 1) not relying on on commentaries; 2) not forcing a date theory; 3) not forcing a series of historical events; 4) identifying the spiritual principles in images; 5) nnot taking signs and symbols literally, and 6) always keeping in mind, it is a book about Jesus Christ.

Revelation By The Numbers

There are a lot of numbers in the book of Revelation. In a similar way to the various images in the book, the numbers also carry symbolic meaning. This study will look at the use of numbers in the book of Revelation and beyond.

Chapter 1 – Descrptions of the Messiah

This chapter establishes some important principles about the book of Revelation. First, it is ab ook of signs. Also, the book was significant to the original recipients. Additionally, we look at the prevalence of the numbers 7 and 3 in the book. And finally, we acknowledge the emphasis on Jesus and His people.

Chapters 2-3 – The Seven Churches of Asia

These chapters contain the letters to the seven churches of Asia. Each letter follows the same format: 1) Jesus identifies Himself; 2) the Lord gives His assessment of the church; 3) the Lord gives His recommendation for the church; and lastly, 4) the Lord gives His promise to those who overcome.

Chapters 4-5 – The Throne Room Scene

In these chapters, the text pulls back the veil, allowing us to glimpse into the throne room of God. Various images appear, including: the twenty-four elders, the throne of God, the four living creatures, a scroll with seven seals, and the Lamb of God.

Chapters 6-7 – The Seven Seals

The seals of the scroll are opened, which reveals trial and struggle plaguing the earth; specifically, wars, injustice, famine, pestilence, and death. However, there is hope. Those who have been sealed as the servants of God are able to stand.

Chapters 8-9 – The Seven Trumpets

Those who receive the seal of God are able to stand (ch. 7), but what about the rest? These chapters reveal the seven trumpets, which show God’s effort to provoke repentance among the unrighteous, but they will not repent (9:20-21).

Chapters 10-11 – An Interlude

What are we to do while we wait upon the Lord? BBefore the blowing of the seventh trumpet, there is an interlude in the text addressing the work of God’s people while waiting for the coming judgment.

Chapters 12-13 – A Child, A Dragon, and 2 Beasts

Chapters 12-13 show a new series of signs, including a war in heaven; a dragon seeking to destroy both the Child and God’s people; as well as a couple beasts appear to persecute the saints.

Chapter 14 – The Earth Is Reaped

Despite the bleak imagery in chapter 13, there is hope. Chapter 14 revisits the 144,000 (ch. 7). They follow the Lamb and thus are victorious. In contrast to the victory of the elect, we see thef all and judgment of Babylon.

Chapters 15-16 – The Seven Bowls

The heavenly temple is opened to those who have victory in Christ. The seven bowls of God’s wrath are opened against the wicked.

Chapters 17-18 – The Great Harlot Babylon

The Great Harlot, a.k.a. Babylon is fallen. These chapters speak of the fall and of the reaction of many to Babylon’s destruction.

Chapters 19-20 – Two Feasts & 1,000 Years

The righteous are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb, but there is another supper as well – the judgment of the wicked. John discusses the thousand year reign in chapter 20.

Chapters 20-22 – Judgement

The glory of God is displayed with the appearance of a great white throne, with the new heaven and new earth being revealed, also known as the Holy City.

Chapter 22 – I Am Coming Quickly

The Lord is said to be coming quickly, thus John is told not to seal up the prophecy of the book. Those who do the commandments of God, they will be blessed.

Review of Revelation – All Lessons Summarized In A Single Lesson

A single lesson review / overview of the book of Revelation.

Links: YouVersion | GROW magazine

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