Have you ever received other people’s mail? There have been times when we’ve received envelopes addressed to the former occupant of our house. Of course, the accepted practice is to write “Return to Sender” or “Not at this address” on the envelope and send it back through the postal system. Hopefully, through time, the stray items no longer show up in the mailbox.
Continue reading “Reading Other People’s Mail – A Fresh Perspective on Bible Study”Sincere Skepticism: Critical Thinking And Analysis For Better Bible Interpretation
For several years in the early 2000s, we featured two articles each week in our bulletin. The first addresses a variety of topics, and the second is a response to supposed Bible contradictions. Some promote skepticism about the Bible, which I am ok with, so long as it is sincere skepticism. The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible website has been a major source of these alleged errors.
Continue reading “Sincere Skepticism: Critical Thinking And Analysis For Better Bible Interpretation”