The Other Lord’s Prayer (John 17) – Praying Like Jesus

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Our last article focused on what is typically referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer.” Therein, Jesus gave an example of prayer for His disciples (Matthew 6:9-13). Now we turn our attention to John 17, which is a more extensive prayer from our Lord. The prayer breaks down into three sections:

  • V 1-5, His prayer regarding Himself, seeking for God to be glorified in Him;
  • V 6-19, His prayer for the apostles, and the mission which was ahead of them;
  • V 20-26, His prayer for the unity of all believers, including you and me.
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Helpful Insights from “The Lord’s Prayer” – Praying Like Jesus

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Matthew 6:9-13 contains a section of text which has been dubbed, “The Lord’s Prayer.” The thought is certainly not that it was a rarity for Jesus to pray, for as we’ve discussed previously, Jesus was constant in prayer. Nor is the idea that Jesus desired for His disciples or any other to use His words as a periodical recital. In fact, He cautioned His disciples about vain repetitions shortly before wording this prayer (v 7). This is an example of how to pray. It is given to model or display prayer to His followers – a short and simple prayer which would serve as a starting place for those who seek to learn to pray.

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