The Other Lord’s Prayer (John 17) – Praying Like Jesus

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Our last article focused on what is typically referred to as “The Lord’s Prayer.” Therein, Jesus gave an example of prayer for His disciples (Matthew 6:9-13). Now we turn our attention to John 17, which is a more extensive prayer from our Lord. The prayer breaks down into three sections:

  • V 1-5, His prayer regarding Himself, seeking for God to be glorified in Him;
  • V 6-19, His prayer for the apostles, and the mission which was ahead of them;
  • V 20-26, His prayer for the unity of all believers, including you and me.
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Helpful Insights from “The Lord’s Prayer” – Praying Like Jesus

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Matthew 6:9-13 contains a section of text which has been dubbed, “The Lord’s Prayer.” The thought is certainly not that it was a rarity for Jesus to pray, for as we’ve discussed previously, Jesus was constant in prayer. Nor is the idea that Jesus desired for His disciples or any other to use His words as a periodical recital. In fact, He cautioned His disciples about vain repetitions shortly before wording this prayer (v 7). This is an example of how to pray. It is given to model or display prayer to His followers – a short and simple prayer which would serve as a starting place for those who seek to learn to pray.

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Discovering The True Power of Prayer – Praying Like Jesus

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We continue our series looking at Jesus’ example of and teachings about prayer. Today we’ll focus on the power of prayer. Our Lord emphasized the need for us to pray in faith, the importance of prayer as we endeavour to overcome temptation and sin, and the value of prayer as we seek to not lose heart amidst trials and troubles in life. Let’s learn from the Lord.

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Practical Prayer Principles from the Sermon on the Mount – Praying Like Jesus

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In Matthew 6, Jesus provided His disciples with an example of prayer (v 9-13). Eventually in our series looking at prayer we will devote an article to looking at the Lord’s prayer as worded in Matthew 6. However, herein we want to examine the verses just preceding the prayer. In Matthew 6:5-8, Jesus gave several important principles which will help us to pray as we ought.

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Learning from Jesus’ Prayer Life – Praying Like Jesus

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One of the many blessings experienced by the apostles during the days of Jesus’ earthly ministry was the opportunity to hear Him pray. In Luke 11:1, one of His disciples requested, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” In the immediate context, Jesus gave an example of prayer, what is typically dubbed “The Lord’s Prayer.” The request infers the disciple considered Jesus to be an expert, proficient in prayer. Indeed, there is no one more qualified to teach someone how to pray. He was their perfect example of prayer – He is our perfect example of prayer. Let us learn from Jesus’ prayer life.

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A Vanity-Laden Supplication: The Arrogant Pharisee’s Prayer

The Parable of the Tax Collector and Pharisee’s Prayer

The Parables of Jesus, Pharisee's prayer

It’s important for a speaker to know his audience. Of any speaker, we should expect that Jesus knew how to read an audience, and we see His ability to do so displayed several times in the gospels. To introduce the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, Luke reveals that Jesus knew those who were listening to Him, and adapted His teaching to best serve their needs. Luke tells us that Jesus spoke to those whho trusted in their own righteousness and despised others.

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The Powerful Lesson of the Widow’s Persistent Prayer

The Parable of the Unjust Judge & Widow’s Persistent Prayer

The Parables of Jesus, persistent prayer

Jesus spoke about prayer a lot. Several of His parables address the need to pray as well as the manner of our approach to the Father. In Luke 18, Jesus taught of a widow characterized by her persistent prayer.

The Lord seeks for us to learn from her and make application in our prayers. Luke 18:1 reads,

...He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart... (Luke 18:1).
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