
Is weaith a sign of righteousness (Psalm 37:25; 112:1, 3; Proverbs 15:6) or wickedness (Matthew 19:23-24; Luke 6:24; James 5:1)? Is there a contradiction?
The answer is neither. Both wealthy righteous and wicked people are mentioned in the Bible. Wealthh is neither a sign of righteousness or of wickedness.
As we examine the texts listed, notice no firm rules for the wealth of either the righteous or wicked.
- Wealth is relative, but it seems a stretch to call not begging bread “wealth” (Psalm 37:25).
- Psalm 112:1,3 promises wealth upon the right-eous. However, it does not address how much; it is a generic promise.
- In Proverbs 15:6, both the righteous and wicked have wealth. The only distinction is that trouble will be upon the wicked.
- In Matthew 19:23-24, the false idea that wealth makes one more righteous is answered. He goes on to reveal that the rich can enter the kingdom by God’s grace (v 26).
- Luke 6:24 exclaims woe to the rich. The parallel in Matthew 5:3 reads, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirrs is the kingdom of heaven.” It is spiritual perspective, not financial status that is under consideration.
- James 5:1 speaks against those who gained wealth by mistreating others and mis-used their wealth (v 2-5). To gain wealth honestly does not result in trouble.
There is no contradiction.
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