Super Christians

by Chad Brewer | via Facebook

Please take a few minutes to consider the role of the preacher, and the status he is often given. He is a teacher, an equipper, a watchman, a man.

For several reasons he is often elevated as if he is a super Christian. This shows itself when people hold him and his family to a higher standard than they hold themselves. In example, the clothes they wear, their attendance and promptness, how well their kids sit during services, how they spend their money, and so any more areas. It also shows itself when we talk about congregations based upon who preaches there and how good we judge their public speaking ability. It shows itself when we expect them to do our work, or believe that they cannot be our friends. It manifests itself in a variety of ways.

This happens for a number of reasons. We pay them, and sometimes we believe that payment should dictate their perfection or their elevated status. Perhaps we believe that by paying them we pass on our work or responsibilities, and if we do that, we expect our money’s worth. Perhaps its partially due to the fact that much of their work is public and seen by others, and by the nature of that fact their work is judged more by others. Maybe we believe that if they are teaching, then they need to have already perfected what they are telling us to work on.

Whatever the case, realize this: they are men. Some are young, some are older, and some are middle-aged. They are not pastors (unless they are qualified and appointed) and do not hold a position of authority. They make mistakes. They need to be able to confess their sins so that they can be healed. They need to have their burdens shared with others. They need the fellowship of others just as much as anyone else. They are not super Christians.

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Here are a couple of comments that were
made in response to bro. Brewer’s post.

“Very good Chad. I think that as much as I know this intellectually, my “feelings” and “aughtness” say otherwise. Not good, of course, but hard to shake. As I age I can see things that I could not see when younger. Therefore I am able to adjust my expectations. For example … I have expected preachers to know more Bible than I do, and to know it better than me; I have lived to realize that unless they are “seasoned” … there are some Biblical times things a preacher may not know a vast amount about… We all have room for growth. I also see now that preachers and their wives frequently are not yet at the level of spiritual knowledge and growth. But, those expectations still exist.”


“Great post! Yep, I’ve even heard announcements of visiting preachers right before he gets up to preach, be so long, praising him about all the college degrees he has, all the foreign countries he has traveled, all the books & articles he has published, all the churches he has preached, and yada, yada, yada. Had it been any other venue besides worship service, you’d feel like you should just stand up & clap for that “puffed up”? Or “he’s certainly qualified”? introduction. You scratch your head & think, who are we here to glorify??? – this man or God? Actually, I imagine some preachers are a bit embarrassed by such introductions and you feel for them.”

—Pat Wallace


For a related article, see:
What Your Preacher Does Not Tell You (David McClister)

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