What David Didn’t Say

by Greg Gwin | via ‘The Beacon’ at Collegevue Church of Christ

One of the most famous episodes in the Bible is that of David’s sin with Bathsheba and Nathan’s subsequent confrontation with the king. It has often been pointed out that David’s confession stands as a model of what confession ought to be. We are awed by his simple, humble acknowledgment, “I have sinned against the Lord” (2 Samuel 12:13). The level of his remorse, so beautifully expressed in Psalm 51, is amazing.

In this current “me” centered, “it’s not my fault” age, there are some important lessons to learn. While many folks today would have tried hard to prove themselves the “victim” in this sad situation, observe David. He did NOT say…

  1. “It’s HER fault!” After all, Bathsheba was bathing in an open place (2 Samuel 11:2). Surely she knew that someone might see her. Why didn’t she take more precautions? Or, maybe she wanted to be seen! Perhaps she hoped to entice the king. Whatever the case, she definitely carries a degree of responsibility in this matter. But, David made  no effort to shift the blame. “I have sinned…”
  2. “These are hard times. I have a very difficult job. You can’t imagine the stress I’m under.” All of these things would have been true. Yet none of them served as a reasonable justification for what he did, and he knew it. “I have sinned…”
  3. Other people let me down. Why didn’t they do more to help me? If they had been there for me, this wouldn’t have happened.” Yes, others could have stepped in to prevent the king’s wicked deed. The messengers who were sent to fetch Bathsheba could have refused the king’s command (probably at the risk of losing their own heads!). Joab, David’s army captain, definitely could have objected to the murder of Bathsheba’s husband. But David knew ‘the bottom line.’ “I have sinned…”
  4. “I admit that I used poor judgment. It was an ‘inappropriate relationship.’” It is common for people to try to ‘rename’ their sins. They think that they can minimize their evil deeds by using ‘lesser’ terms to describe them. This never succeeds, and David did not try it. “I have sinned…”

Christian, are you always trying to make excuses for your sins? Do you blame others or point to ’extenuating circumstances?’ Do you use other terms to avoid admitting the reality of your wrongs? These things never work. Try true confession!

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